Friday, January 26, 2018

sorry to let everyone know but this will be my last post and I will say goodbye also pls check out cher
hey everyone today im gonna be doing somthing that has no relation to my blog . im gonna talk aliitle bit about the lady ive always thought was a goddess. CHER.                                                 
 Sometimes called the Goddess of Pop, she has been described as embodying female autonomy in a male-dominated industry. She is known for her distinctive contralto singing voice and for having worked in numerous areas of entertainment, as well as adopting a variety of styles and appearances during her six-decade-long career. Not only am I a fan of her music but her movies and shows she has stared in as well.
 If u haven't herd her songs then you need to check yourself.
Look it up(click this if u wanna herar some good music

Monday, January 22, 2018

guest reveiw

Hey guys this is Morgan from !  on my blog as you could probably guess, i talk and post about photography.  me and Josie are buddies so we figured it would be a good idea to do a guest post on each other’s blog. 

When it comes to coffee, besides it being fuel for many people’s day, it can be fun to photograph.  with coffee and many other objects there are many different aspects to consider to get a quality photograph as a result.  some of these aspects to consider when initially taking a photo are angle, lighting, location, background, and how much the subject of the photograph is in focus.  when capturing images angles can make all the difference.  when the angle is changed it makes the photo lots more intriguing.

Lighting can be a touchy thing, sometimes it works in your favor and other times it will make your subject too over or under exposed.  focusing, angle, or flash can sometimes fix lighting issues. 

Location can make a world of difference.  it is always fun to capture photos in different environments that catch your eye.  an example showing a bit of contrast between an image from Minnesnowta and Utah….they are quite different;)

Background can also make a huge difference in making photos look like they came from a beginner or someone with a little more experience.  backgrounds can be adjusted by using “portrait mode” on iPhones which will blur it and make the subject the main focus of the image without any background distraction.  another way background can be adjusted is by changing it entirely.

Depending on the image it can be cool to blur certain aspects.  different options would be to place the subject in and out of focus.  depending on the image and personal preference you may always lean towards a certain focusing strategy.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Coffee Interveiw

I asked three people questions about coffee and this is what they said.

If you had a coffee shop what would you name it and why?
interview1- Cup of joe, its practical
interveiw2- Java Jasmine, because it rhymes
interveiw3-Café, why not

If you could create any coffee drink what would it be called and why?
interview 1-Bonita brew, inspirational
interveiw2-Sick name
interview3-(no answer)

If you had to pick one holiday to inspire a drink after what holiday would it be and what would you name, the drink?
interveiw1-Presidents day, the G.W
interview2-4th of July, the firecracker
interview3-St.Patrick's day, patty's something something

When u walk into a coffee shop what is it that you want to see when you walk in?
interview 1-Coffee beans and baristas mixing drinks
interveiw2-Hot barista
interview3-Uh, coffee

If u had to pick one coffee drink for the rest of your life what would it be?
interview 1-Carmal frap
interveiw2-Turtle mocha
interview3-Dark chocolate mocha
Would you drink 2-day old coffee for $5? if yes why?
interview 1-No, not enough money
interveiw2-No, not Worth it
interview3-No. taste bad, not worth it

What is the one thing you hate the most about coffee and why?
interview 1-Fake sweeteners
interveiw2-Coffee breath, gross
interview3-When it isn't made right and its to bitter

What’s your favorite coffee shop and why?
interview 1-Targets refrigerator cases!
interveiw2-Caribou, yum
interview3-Local blend

Are you a creamer or all black coffee person?
interview 1-Cream!

How do you make your coffee?
interview 1-Cold over ice
interveiw2-Light with suger
interview3-With a coffee maker

What is your favorite coffee and where do you get it from?  or do you make it yourself?
interview 1-Black with milk, cream, and Irish cream syrup. Make it myself!
interveiw2-Caribou, anything there
interview3-I make it myself

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Top 5 most Instagramed Coffee Bars and Bakery's you have to visit

1 Café du Monde, New Orleans, LA

I wanted to show that the best coffee places instagramed aren't the typical big named coffee brands but little shops placed all over. also its not only a coffee place but a bakery as well.

2 Voodoo Doughnuts, Austin, TX

I wanted to show that sometimes the best places are the ones with weird flavors in things that you think you would never try but end up being some of the greatest things you've ever had.

3 California Donuts, Los Angeles, CA

I wanted to bring this one onto the list because I feel like it shows how creative people can be and all the combinations that you can have with different things.

4 Georgetown Cupcake, Washington, DC

I also wanted to show that places can have some really good food without it being over the top and extra things, sometimes simple things can be just as good.

5 Levain Bakery, New York, NY

lastly, I wanted to add this one because I think that you need a good snack to go with your coffee and this place is known for amazing little food to go perfect with that morning coffee.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Hello Everyone!  Today I would like to talk about how you can spice up your coffee without having to add lots of whip cream or fancy toppings. For many people they don't want a lot of stuff on their coffee. So there are plenty of ways to add to it with out going over board on the flavors. My personal favorite is creamer, there are so many flavors to explore. They even have special ones for the holidays. For example during thanks giving they have pumpkin
pie, and during Christmas candy canes, ginger bread and even more. My favorite part about these is that it helps me get into the holiday spirit! Plus its a great way for me to feel like I'm getting high quality coffee , from coffee shops while still being at home relaxing with my family. So if you're someone who wants flavored and festive coffee with out being those loud over the top drinks at big brand coffee shops. I suggest you go down to you local store and pick yourself up some of that coffee creamer and have your self in that festive mood all day long.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

How To Find The Perfect Coffee Spot

Step 1: Go to your Internet and google local coffee places
Step 2: If a coffee place shows up that you've already been to or is a huge name brand place, look some other place
Step 3: As your looking for a spot try to look for places you haven't herd of before or have driven past and just never stopped in.
Step 4: Pick the place you wanna try!
Step 5: Grab your keys maybe even some friends and go on that little adventure to your possible new hot spot!