Friday, January 12, 2018

Coffee Interveiw

I asked three people questions about coffee and this is what they said.

If you had a coffee shop what would you name it and why?
interview1- Cup of joe, its practical
interveiw2- Java Jasmine, because it rhymes
interveiw3-Café, why not

If you could create any coffee drink what would it be called and why?
interview 1-Bonita brew, inspirational
interveiw2-Sick name
interview3-(no answer)

If you had to pick one holiday to inspire a drink after what holiday would it be and what would you name, the drink?
interveiw1-Presidents day, the G.W
interview2-4th of July, the firecracker
interview3-St.Patrick's day, patty's something something

When u walk into a coffee shop what is it that you want to see when you walk in?
interview 1-Coffee beans and baristas mixing drinks
interveiw2-Hot barista
interview3-Uh, coffee

If u had to pick one coffee drink for the rest of your life what would it be?
interview 1-Carmal frap
interveiw2-Turtle mocha
interview3-Dark chocolate mocha
Would you drink 2-day old coffee for $5? if yes why?
interview 1-No, not enough money
interveiw2-No, not Worth it
interview3-No. taste bad, not worth it

What is the one thing you hate the most about coffee and why?
interview 1-Fake sweeteners
interveiw2-Coffee breath, gross
interview3-When it isn't made right and its to bitter

What’s your favorite coffee shop and why?
interview 1-Targets refrigerator cases!
interveiw2-Caribou, yum
interview3-Local blend

Are you a creamer or all black coffee person?
interview 1-Cream!

How do you make your coffee?
interview 1-Cold over ice
interveiw2-Light with suger
interview3-With a coffee maker

What is your favorite coffee and where do you get it from?  or do you make it yourself?
interview 1-Black with milk, cream, and Irish cream syrup. Make it myself!
interveiw2-Caribou, anything there
interview3-I make it myself

1 comment:

  1. Good mix of questions, but why didn't you put the names with the answers?
