Monday, January 22, 2018

guest reveiw

Hey guys this is Morgan from !  on my blog as you could probably guess, i talk and post about photography.  me and Josie are buddies so we figured it would be a good idea to do a guest post on each other’s blog. 

When it comes to coffee, besides it being fuel for many people’s day, it can be fun to photograph.  with coffee and many other objects there are many different aspects to consider to get a quality photograph as a result.  some of these aspects to consider when initially taking a photo are angle, lighting, location, background, and how much the subject of the photograph is in focus.  when capturing images angles can make all the difference.  when the angle is changed it makes the photo lots more intriguing.

Lighting can be a touchy thing, sometimes it works in your favor and other times it will make your subject too over or under exposed.  focusing, angle, or flash can sometimes fix lighting issues. 

Location can make a world of difference.  it is always fun to capture photos in different environments that catch your eye.  an example showing a bit of contrast between an image from Minnesnowta and Utah….they are quite different;)

Background can also make a huge difference in making photos look like they came from a beginner or someone with a little more experience.  backgrounds can be adjusted by using “portrait mode” on iPhones which will blur it and make the subject the main focus of the image without any background distraction.  another way background can be adjusted is by changing it entirely.

Depending on the image it can be cool to blur certain aspects.  different options would be to place the subject in and out of focus.  depending on the image and personal preference you may always lean towards a certain focusing strategy.

1 comment:

  1. Good ideas and tips -I love that picture of Morgan! However, why did she not capitalize the starts of all her sentences? :)
